

发表于 2022-4-29 13:08:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



原定于 2022 年 4 月 29 日的 LH729 航班将正常运营。

根据当前防疫政策,乘客进入浦东国际机场,必须提供起飞前 24 小时内的核酸阴性证明,或者 48 小时内的核酸阴性证明以及 24 小时内的抗原阴性证明。鉴于当前情势,针对目的地为德国的该航班乘客,我们接受中文的核酸纸质证明或相关应用软件的核酸证明。针对目的地为其他国家的该航班乘客,敬请查询目的地国家的最新入境政策。

虽然受上海疫情封控影响,汉莎航空集团大中华区团队将尽力维持航班的正常运行。 我们非常期待并欢迎您搭乘我们的航班!


2022 年 5 月 6 日至 5 月 27 日,LH721 航班将从每周六凌晨出发调整为每周五晚出发。


原定于 2022 年 5 月 3 日、5 月 10 日、5 月 17 日、 5 月 24 日、5 月 31 日、6 月 7 日、6 月 14 日以及 6 月 21 日的 LH720 航班将暂停运营。


整个夏季航班时刻,LH796 航班(法兰克福至香港)以及 LH797 航班(香港至法兰克福)的航班频率调整为每周 5 班。






即日起至 2022 年 10 月 29 日


1、*+1 表示第二天到达,出发及到达时间均为当地时间。


- 上海飞往苏黎世LX189 航班将暂停运营至 6 月 6 日。

- 苏黎世飞往上海:LX188 航班将暂停运营至 6 月 4 日。

- 法兰克福飞往沈阳LH720 航班将暂停运营至 6 月 27 日。

- 慕尼黑往返香港:LH730 航班将暂停运营至 10 月 29 日;LH731 航班将暂停运营至 10 月 30 日。

- 德商会包机不包含在此时刻表中。



5、更新日期:2022 年 4 月 29 日

Lufthansa German Airlines has updated its summer flight schedule. The flight duration, take-off/landing time and flight frequency of some flights have been adjusted. Please refer to updated timetable and brief overview as below.


Flight LH729 departing from Shanghai Pudong International Airport to Frankfurt International Airport on Friday, 29th April, will operate as planned.

In order to enter Pudong International Airport, you need to have either a negative PCR result within 24 hours before departure or a negative PCR result within 48 hours plus an negative Antigen test within 24 hours before departure. For passengers with destinations in Germany, a test certificate written in Chinese in paper form or by means of a Chinese health App will be accepted. For passengers with destinations beyond Germany, please refer to the latest entry regulations of your final destination.

Under the current pandemic situation in Shanghai, the entire China Lufthansa Group Team is trying very hard to maintain the scheduled flight operation. We very much look forward to welcoming you onboard to our flight!



From 6th May 2022 to 27th May 2022, flight LH721 will operate from every Saturday morning to every Friday evening.


Flight LH720 will be suspended on 3rd May, 10th May, 17th May, 24th May, 31st May, 7th June, 14th June and 21st June.

Frankfurt-Hong Kong-Frankfurt

The frequency of flight LH796 from Frankfurt to Hong Kong and flight LH797 from Hong Kong to Frankfurt will operate 5 times every week in the summer schedule.

For suspended flights, Lufthansa German Airlines provides corresponding re-book or refund policies to ensure the flexibility of passengers' travel. 

For passengers who have already booked on suspended flights, you will get the notice from our colleague or your travel agency shortly. 

We strongly recommend all passengers to check the latest flight status via our website, or Lufthansa customer center, or your travel agency before journeys are made.

For further inquiries, please contact Lufthansa customer service center. Please refer to our subsidiary post for the updated notice from our service center. We regret for this inconvenience.

Lufthansa German Airlines focuses on the healthy travel and is committed to providing the most secure and sanitary travel experience for our passengers.

Lufthansa Group Summer Flight Schedule for Greater China

Until 29th Oct. 2022

Click to view

- *+1=Arrival on next day, all local time.

- **Please note:

1. Shanghai-Zurich: Flight LX189 will be suspended until 6th June.

2. Zurich-Shanghai: Flight LX188 will be suspended until 4th June.

3. Frankfurt-Shenyang: Flight LH720 will be suspended until 27th June.

4. Munich-Hong Kong-Munich: Flight LH730 will be suspended until 29th October; Flight LH731 will be suspended until 30th October.

5. AHK charter is excluded.

- Please note that fully booked flights might not be shown on airlines’ websites upon searching for the flight availability.

- Flight schedules are subject to changes. Please always check the latest information via our websites before departure.

- Last updated on 29th April 2022.


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